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The Basic Stance of the ACT Therapist

Writer: Todd SchmenkTodd Schmenk

The basic psychological stance of the ACT therapist is an especially important factor in providing good treatment. This involves being able to make contact with the “space” from which ACT naturally flows, as well as modeling certain facets of psychological flexibility that we seek to impart to the client.

Like many treatment traditions, ACT emphasizes the importance of therapist warmth and genuineness. This stance emerges quite naturally from the core understanding of human suffering from an ACT perspective.

When we see our clients trapped by language, we see ourselves and the traps which generate our own pain. An “I and thou” perspective is the natural precipitant of this recognition.

Collectively, the following attributes define the basic therapeutic stance of ACT.

This is an excerpt from this article. Due to its importance, it is listed here again.

Core Competencies Involved in the Basic ACT Therapeutic Stance

1 The therapist realizes that he or she is in the same soup as the client and speaks to the client from an equal, vulnerable, genuine, and sharing point of view.

2 The therapist models willingness to hold contradictory or difficult ideas, feelings, memories, and the like without needing to “resolve” them.

3 The therapist takes a compassionate and humanizing stance toward the client’s suffering and avoids criticism, judgment or taking a “one up” position.

4 The therapist always brings the issue back to what the client’s experience is showing, and does not substitute his or her opinions for that genuine experience.

5 The therapist does not argue with, lecture, coerce or even attempt to convince the client of anything. If you find yourself attempting to change a client’s mind, stop. You are not doing ACT.

6 The therapist does not explain the “meaning” of paradoxes or metaphors to develop “insight”.

7 The therapist is willing to self disclose about personal issues when it makes a therapeutic point .

8 The therapist avoids the use of “canned” ACT interventions. Interventions are responses to the particular client we are treating.

9 The therapist tailors interventions to fit the client’s language and immediate life experience.

10 The therapist sequences and applies specific ACT interventions in response to client needs, and is ready to change course to fit those needs at any moment.

11 New metaphors, experiential exercises and behavioral tasks are allowed to emerge from the client’s own experience and context.

12 ACT relevant processes are recognized in the moment and where appropriate are directly supported in the context of the therapeutic relationship.

Developing Acceptance and Willingness/Undermining Experiential Control

13 Therapist communicates that client is not broken, but is using unworkable strategies.

14 Therapist helps client examine direct experience and detect emotional control strategies.

15 Therapist helps client make direct contact with the paradoxical effect of emotional control strategies.

16 Therapist actively uses concept of “workability” in clinical interactions.

17 Therapist actively encourages client to experiment with stopping the struggle for emotional control and suggests willingness as an alternative.

18 Therapist uses shifts between control and willingness as an opportunity for the client to directly experience the contrast in vitality between the two strategies.

19 Therapist helps client investigate relationship between levels of willingness and sense of suffering willingness suffering diary; clean and dirty suffering).

20 Therapist helps client make experiential contact with the cost of being unwilling relative to valued life ends (Are you doing your values; listing out value, emotional control demand, cost, short term/long term costs and benefits).

21 Therapist helps client experience the qualities of willingness (a choice, a behavior, not wanting, same act regardless of how big the stakes).

22 Therapist uses exercises (jumping; cards in lap, eye contact) and metaphors (box full of stuff, Joe the bum) to help client contact willingness the action in the presence of difficult material.

23 Therapists structures graded steps or exercises to practice willingness.

24 Therapist models willingness in the therapeutic relationship.

25 Therapist detects struggle in session and teaches the clients to do so.

Undermining Cognitive Fusion

26 Therapist identifies client’s emotional, cognitive, behavioral or physical barriers to willingness.

27 Therapist suggests that “attachment” to the literal meaning of these experiences makes willingness difficult to sustain.

28 Therapist actively contrasts what the client’s “mind” says will work versus what the client’s experience says is working.

29 Therapist uses language tools (get off our buts, both/and), metaphors (bubble on the head, two computers, monsters on the bus) and experiential exercises (tin can monster) to create a separation between the client and client’s conceptualized experience.

30 Therapist uses various interventions to both reveal the flow of private experience and such experience is not “toxic”.

31 Therapist works to get client to experiment with “having” these experiences, using willingness as a stance.

32 Therapist uses various exercises, metaphors and behavioral tasks to reveal the “hidden” properties of language (milk, milk, milk; what are the numbers?).

33 Therapist helps client elucidate the client’s “story” and helps client make contact with the arbitrary nature of causal relationships within the story.

34 Therapist helps client make contact with the evaluative and reason giving properties of the client’s story (no thing matters, good cup/bad cup).

35 Therapist detects “mindiness” (fusion) in session and teaches the client to detect it as well.

Getting in Contact with the Present Moment

36 Therapist can defuse from client content and direct attention to the. moment.

37 Therapist can bring his or her own feelings or thoughts in the moment into the therapeutic relationship.

38 Therapist uses exercises to expand the clients sense of experience as an ongoing process.

39 Therapists tracks content at multiple levels and emphasizes the present when it is useful.

40 Therapist models coming back to the present moment.

41 Therapist detects client drifting into past and future orientation and comes back to now.

42 Therapists teaches the client to do likewise.

Distinguishing the Conceptualized Self from Self-as-context

43 Therapist helps the client differentiate self-evaluations from the self that evaluates (thank your mind for that thought, calling a thought a thought, naming the event, pick an identity).

44 Therapist employs mindfulness exercises (the you the you call you; chessboard, soldiers in parade/leaves on the stream) to help client make contact with self-as-context.

45 Therapist uses metaphors to highlight distinction between products and contents of consciousness versus consciousness (furniture in house, are you big enough to have you).

46 The therapist employs behavioral tasks (take your mind for a walk) to help client practice distinguishing private events from self.

47 Therapist helps client understand the different qualities of self conceptualization, just noticing events and simple awareness.

Defining Valued Directions

49 Therapist helps client clarify valued life directions (values questionnaire, value clarification exercise, what do you want your life to stand for, funeral exercise).

50 Therapist helps client “go on record” as wanting to stand for valued life ends.

51 Therapist puts his or her own therapy relevant values in the room and models their importance.

52 Therapist teaches clients to distinguish between values and goals.

53 Therapist distinguishes between outcomes and processes.

54 Therapist respects client values and if unable to support them, finds referral or other alternatives.

Building Patterns of Committed Action

55 Therapist helps client identify valued life goals and build an action plan.

56 Therapist encourages client to “have” barriers and make and keep commitments.

57 Therapist uses exercise and non traditional uses of language to reveal hidden sources of interference to committed actions (fish hook metaphor, forgiveness, who would be made right, how is your story every going to handle you being healthy).

58 Therapist encourages client to take small steps and to look at the quality of committed action.

59 Therapist keep clients focused on larger and larger patterns of action.

60 Therapist integrates slips or relapses into the experiential base for future effective action.

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